Walter's Inquest By Mona Ray This is a story about a meeting convened to discover if Skinner acted inappropriately. It is rated R for language and content. Skinner/Scully Romance / Story. Rated R for language. All credit for creating the x-file characters goes to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and Fox Network. I mangled them without permission. Fourth season spoilers. Walter's Inquest by Mona Ray Fox Mulder entered into, what should have been his own personal haven at the FBI headquarters, namely his and Scully's office. "Do I have to get a bed in here." He called out, starting to get used to finding his boss and partner in closer than normal proximity to each other while in his office. He wouldn't mind the show if they would actually provide him with some X-rated entertainment, but not a button was skewered out of place and the hands never changed position. The only signs they exhibited that such nearness to each other was having an ardent effect was Scully's glowing expression and Walter's attempts to hide his obvious affection for her from Mulder, which was why she was still firmly pressed up against him while he attempted to regain a semblance of mastery over his nether regions, a project Dana Scully was more than willing to assist with. "It's been three days since your little 'talk' in the mall, isn't it time for your first lovers spat so Scully can mope around while doing her work and give me some time alone with her, while you sulk in 'your' office." Mulder was only half joking and placed extra emphasis on 'your'. He missed his quiet moments with his partner, especially now that her thoughts hadn't strayed for more than five minutes away from Walter Skinner since he had declared his love for her and found it reciprocated. "Walter brought your approval from accounting for all of the expenses you incurred while in Russia." Dana gazed lovingly up into the eyes of her boss, and he moved his head down a fraction, indicating his willingness to continue his exploration of her mouth, if it weren't for Mulder's presence. With a rueful smile he disengaged himself from Dana and pointed to Mulder's overflowing in-basket. "You'll find everything in order Agent Mulder." With that gesture and a wink at Scully he made a quick exit. "How does he do that?" Mulder directed his question at Scully. "Do what?" Dana went back to her desk to continue what she was doing before Walter popped in for the third time that morning on one pretext or another. "Kiss you like that without making his face resemble bozo's?" "If you're referring to my lipstick, it's a non-smudge long lasting brand. He can kiss me all day and I'll still look like something out of Vogue, at least I better, with the price I pay for it." But just to make sure Dana pulled her compact to verify and touched up the color as Walter's lips had removed some of the sheen. "Talk to me Scully." Mulder sat on the edge of her desk.. "We haven't conversed for two days now without the subject turning to his truly. I miss my old Scully and am feeling sorry for myself, like my best friend has gone over to the other side. I still am your best friend, aren't I, Scully?" "You'll always be that, Mulder. Nobody is going to take me from you as either your partner or best friend. Walter told the director about us yesterday afternoon, he didn't want any surprises finding its way to the directors office, and him being called on the carpet. The director isn't happy. Walter expects he'll face some repercussions in the future, either a promotion he should have gotten or a policy will be enacted and enforced against Assistant Directors fraternizing with subordinates. Now it's just partners which the bureau frowns upon. With Walter making our relationship public knowledge, he's expecting retaliation and our every move will be scrutinized until the powers that be are convinced we can remain professional in the work place, or find a pretext to send me back to Quantico, which Walter has already assured me won't happen on his shift." Mulder grinned and leaned close to Scully, "Does your definition of 'professional' mean keeping your shirt buttoned up?" He laughed and beat a hasty retreat behind his desk as his back was pummeled with half a dozen paper clips. "I'll buy lunch today Scully if you promise not to mention Skinner, and we can get out of here," Mulder offered in way of a truce. "For lunch, I think I can manage an hour without bringing him up." ***************** They were just entering their office, back from an enjoyable, but not entirely Skinner free lunch to the sound of Scully's telephone ringing. "Scully." "Agent Scully, this is Skinner. You and I have to go before a review board this afternoon at two. It is being convened to discuss our relationship. Agent Mulder is also requested to be present to answer any questions regarding this matter, that the board may wish to pose to him." "Yes Sir, We'll be there." Mulder looked up at the tone in Scully's voice. "The meeting will be in my office." With that AD Skinner hung up. "It's started." Dana stated at the unspoken question on Mulder's face. "We have a two o'clock appointment so the director and his cohorts can hear all the juicy details." Two PM Walter Skinner's Office "Go right in, they're expecting you." Kimberly's voice relayed her regrets at this unwanted intrusion in her boss's personal business. Kimberly couldn't remember ever seeing her boss in such a jubilant mood and knew the reason even though nothing was ever openly stated. The man hadn't been able to stay away from the x-files division all morning and offered to run errands that a phone call or the interoffice mail could have easily handled. "Please take a seat," Director Davis indicated to two vacant chairs along the conference table. Present also were Assistant Director Meredith Crown from Personnel, Assistant Director Henry White from the Crime Lab, Assistant Director in charge of Quantico's training, Peter Morris and David Townsend, the FBI's legal counsel for the employees Civil Liberties Union. And the ever present Smoking Man. He sat at the opposite end of the table from the director, a cigarette between his lips and a smug expression on his face. Unobtrusively, away from the table sat a stenographer. The director started the meeting, "This is a formal in-house inquiry into the actions of Assistant Director Walter Skinner for the purposes of disclosing any misconduct on his part, or on the part of Agent Scully. This comes after my being briefed by AD Skinner regarding a situation that has arisen three days ago, and AD Skinner would like a formal response either accepting his actions or a reprimand for said actions. We have both been searching the policies governing the responsibilities and privileges of the assistant directors, and find a gray area surrounding this type of situation. This meeting will be recorded and the results added to your permanent personnel file, AD Skinner. Is this acceptable to you?" "It is." "Because AD Skinner came forward immediately and initiated what you're about to hear, this will not reflect on his current position as Assistant Director of the FBI. Also I have assured him this hearing would not reflect in any way on the position of Agent Scully, either as an agent with the x-file division or a forensic pathologist with the FBI, and none of her actions will be reflected on her permanent personnel file. "For those of you not familiar with the situation let me recap briefly. All of you at the Assistant Director level should have gotten the briefs regarding the outcome of the senate hearing, it only covered the pertinent facts, not a subsequent investigation into the relationship between Agents Mulder and Scully, which has been called into question. It seemed that when Agents Mulder and Scully were re-united in the senate chambers, as soon as the hearing had ended, the agents rushed into each others arms for an intimate hug and Agent Mulder was heard to make a statement about it being good to hold her. This prompted questions about the relationship of the two partners, and Assistant Director Skinner, as their immediate supervisor, was asked to investigate and report his findings directly to my office. Normally such an investigation isn't brought to my attention and is handled by the prospective Assistant Directors and the office of personnel," the director inclined his head in the direction of Meredith Crown. "It was a senator which brought the matter to my attention, and that's why I'm involved in a situation of this nature, as I have to report back to the senator. Mr. Skinner, do you have anything to add before I continue?" "Only that my findings showed Agents Mulder and Scully, while being extremely close, have never consummated their partnership in a physical manor. The trials these two have endured over the past four years, and I might add the bureau's lack of support, have cemented a partnership like none I've ever witnessed before. I do not wish to say anything more about their unique friendship at this time." Mulder's eyes widened as he stared at Skinner. Skinner never voiced the bureau's lack of support in his presence before, maybe he had misjudged the man. Scully was certainly taken with his line of BS, and her trust in him had doubled with their shared senate inquisition, not to mention bedroom. He only hoped this new alliance between them wouldn't hinder his search for the truth. He doubted he would ever completely trust Skinner as much as Scully did. Skinner still showed a penance for covering his own tracks at the expense of others. Scully could explain it away, but Mulder had been reamed in his office too many times, while Cancerman looked on. "AD Skinner came to me yesterday with the results of his investigation, which is exactly as he just stated to you, however, he informed me that during his subsequent interview with Agent Scully, that he was.....shall we say, enamored with her, and made blatant advances towards her." Walter shook his head at that and caught Scully's eye, as she mouthed 'what did you say' at him. There were murmuring of surprise around the table as the other Assistant Directors heard for the first time why they had been called to pass judgment on their fellow AD "Assistant Director Skinner," the director continued quieting the others, "informed me that his proposal of a personal relationship with Agent Scully was met with a favorable response and as they are both single people, feel that it is their right to pursue such a relationship. Mr. Skinner also went on to say he doesn't feel the integrity of either position has been or is likely to be compromised.. I disagree with this statement, but need further input from all of you here today before I can make my final decision on how to proceed with this matter. Because it is an Assistant Director involved, the rules governing agents behavior towards each other do not apply here. This is the first of such incidents, mainly due to the lack of female agents in the past. It is likely to become an issue again in the future, and we need to set some ground rules today for when that happens." AD Crown spoke from her seat, "I don't recall anyone at the A.D.'s level being in this situation with a direct subordinate, this could have dire consequences if it is allowed to continue, when we have to separate partners for such behavior." The director continued, "I agree, that's why I called this meeting and have prepared a list of questions for AD Skinner, Agent Mulder and Agent Scully. If we can get a better picture of how this happened, we might be able to ward off such behavior in the future, or find that assistant directors have a certain impunity with who they choose to carry on interoffice affairs with. With their input we might be able to establish ground rules that will work to everyone's satisfaction. We will start with Agent Scully. Walter, I'm going to ask you and Agent Mulder to step outside during this part." After they left, Director Davis continued, "Agent Scully, do you need time to speak confidentially with Mr. Townsend about your rights before we begin." "Not at this time, but I reserve the right to do so if I believe it is warranted." Dana had a sinking feeling as to where the questions would lead and didn't wish to harm Walter in any way. "Agent Scully, how long have you known Walter Skinner?" "Four years Sir, we met for the first time moments before I introduced myself to Agent Mulder." "At any time during those four years has Walter Skinner made any sexual advances, or remarks of a sexual nature, either to yourself or any other women that you have heard about, unwanted or otherwise?" "No Sir, he has always been the model of professionalism towards me. He had never indicated that he was attracted to me in any way, either verbally or physically. I've heard comments from other women, hoping for a relationship with AD Skinner, but I've never so much of heard a rumor that he ever responded to any of their attempts to catch his eye." "Until three days ago?" Dana couldn't keep the flush from creeping up her cheeks and quickly glanced around the table to gauge the reactions of the other assistant directors; she was after all having an affair with someone on their level. "Yes Sir." "You mean to tell me, Assistant Director Walter Skinner asked you for sexual favors, and you readily jumped at the chance, even though he had given you no previous indication that he found you to be a desirable woman that he wished to pursue a relationship with?" This time Dana kept her eyes directed on the director, not daring to look around, and feeling like she was being maneuvered into a corner. Trying hard to salvage her dignity a little, Dana countered, "I've spent four years developing a relationship with AD Skinner. While it has remained strictly professional, there have been undertones of friendship and trust, with a hint of something more these past few months. He has never voiced any proposals of a personal nature, but his manor has been increasingly warmer, and he acted as though he cared about me as a person not just as a subordinate who had to answer to him. He would open up a little about various issues letting me see the personal side of him. It was as if he were looking for a friend to talk to, someone who would understand the commitment it takes to be an effective FBI agent." The director made some notes then continued, "Were you hoping for an affair with your supervisor, Agent Scully?" Again she could feel the betraying red creep up her face. "I don't believe my personal desires are at question here, Sir." "I agree with Agent Scully, Sir. Agent Scully's personal feelings towards AD Skinner are personal and should be treated as such." David Townsend spoke for the first time. "I may come back to that question, Agent Scully, but lets move on for now. You and Agent Mulder were assigned to investigate allegations of misconduct surrounding the murder of that prostitute found in bed with the Assistant Director last year. Are you covering for him in any manor because of that incident?" "I'm not sure what you are asking, Sir? We investigated the murder and during the routine autopsy I discovered an unknown substance around the victims mouth. We never solved what it was and coupled with AD Skinner's sleep disorders, the most probable cause of death was a succubus as Agent Mulder indicated in his report. Is that what you are asking for?" "Almost, what I'm looking for is your reaction towards AD Skinner during this case. I heard you had some personal animosity towards him for being with a prostitute." "That's not true, Sir." Dana cut in, "My reticence came in the form of disbelief that he was innocent of the killing, not some personal grudge against him for sleeping with that woman. I made that clear in my report and apologized to the assistant director later for my impudent attitude." "Is it true that you nor Agent Mulder knew of the A.D.'s marital status at that time?" "His having a wife did come as a surprise to both of us, but we were not on intimate terms at that time with him, and he never mentioned being married. I just assumed that he wasn't." "Is that why you spent so much time with him while he was hospitalized from his gunshot wound. You were hoping to start an affair with him at that time?" "I fail to see where this line of questioning is going." David Townsend spoke again. "I'm trying to establish if in fact that AD Skinner was acting under a subliminal incitement from Agent Scully in an attempt to induce a sexual relationship with her superior, for blackmail purposes or career advancement." "I think I can answer that question Director Davis. The answer is no. Last year when I stayed at the hospital, it was to protect AD Skinner from someone in the government with impunity, who wished to see him dead, because he was getting too close to the truth about my sister's murder. After I found out that he was married, it meant hands off. I don't do married men." She spoke with a firmness she didn't possess inside herself. "But you were thinking about it, even all those months ago, were you not Agent Scully? His divorce isn't more than three weeks old and he, by his own admission turned to you for comfort and you readily accepted, so you had to be thinking about him in a personal manor, or do you just accept proposals on a whim?" This was said to get Dana Scully mad enough to slip up and admit to an alternative motive for sleeping with AD Skinner. "I would like to use your own words, Director Davis. I believe the phrase you said earlier was 'single people'. As far as I'm concerned Walter Skinner is a single, available man and I am a single, available woman. We've had four years to become acquainted and I respect and admire the man he is, and yes, there may have been some physical attraction on both sides in the last few months. I could sense a change in him and attributed it to his having marriage problems. I learned to recognize the symptoms from before, but I never attributed his actions to developing any affection for me until three days ago when he came forward with his feelings, which I might add, are mutual." Dana hoped with all her heart she was saying the correct things and wouldn't bring his wrath down on Walter. If the director was hoping for an emotional outburst he underestimated her character, and practice the senate hearings had given her at keeping her emotions in check. "I have one final question Agent Scully. If you continue this relationship with Walter Skinner you will undoubtedly encounter sensitive material that someone with your level of clearance shouldn't be privy to. How do you think this will effect your current position as an agent with the FBI?" "It won't be altered at all. If we're careful, such information will never be exposed to me and if it unavoidably is, Skinner will have to tell me so I won't inadvertently expose it. And if he does so, you will never hear about it, because my lips will be sealed. I do know the penalty for disclosing classified material, and I don't wish to repeat my jail time, with an extension." The director nodded at this and concluded, "Does anyone have anything for Agent Scully before I dismiss her?" AD Morris spoke first, "Agent Scully, I probably know you better than anyone in this room right now, and I must say, your diligence to your job and your professionalism have never been questioned by me. I've always held Walter Skinner in the highest regard also and however this turns out, you both have my sincere congratulations, and fight to hold on to the happiness you've found, it's a rare gift these days." Dana smiled, the first since entering the A.D.'s office. AD Henry White spoke next. "It could easily be one of us in Walter's position. The man's had a rough year and yesterday was the first time he genially smiled at me in a long time. What ever else Agent Scully has done for him, it's good to see him look years younger. As for the repercussions of his actions, I don't have a clue. I think we should use this relationship as a guide for governing the direction assistant directors should take with subordinate personnel. If everything works out fine then we can assume A.D.'s can separate their position's and still maintain personal involvement. If it doesn't and repercussions are felt against Agent Scully or anyone else involved in this matter, it would set a precedence that could be used to undermine the authority that an assistant director must have from the employees in order to function in their jobs." David Townsend added, "I agree with AD White. The position of Assistant Director is too powerful a position, and employees not yielding to the demands of an assistant director may feel threatened from reprisals or unwanted transfers. I have never have never heard of an employee making sexual harassment charges against the office of any assistant director, which says a lot for the characters of the assistant directors, both past and present. Agent Scully, I gather you wish to continue your involvement with AD Skinner?" "If he is willing, yes Sir." "And you don't feel threatened by his position versus yours?" Townsend queried. "No. He is too good a supervisor and man to ever let a romantic breakup influence his professional judgment." That was not quite the truth as Walter had told her himself his decision not to back her and Mulder on the final day of the hearings, should they not get back from Boca Raton, was a jealous reaction from seeing them in each others arms, but she would never admit it to these people. No one else spoke up and Director Davis told Scully, "You're dismissed, stay close, and send Agent Mulder in." They all watched as she rose and made a graceful exit not showing the adrenaline which was coursing through her like a runaway train. Dana Scully entered the outer office to find Kimberly busy trying to look busy, Mulder sitting slumped in a chair with a glum expression permanently etched on his face and Walter pacing from the door to desk and back again. They both rushed up to her when she appeared, Walter slipping an arm across her shoulders while Mulder grabbed her by the hand. "How did it go," Walter demanded while Mulder echoed "What did they ask?" "It's your turn Mulder," Dana said and taking Walter's hand pulled him to the empty chairs well away from Kimberly's desk. As Mulder entered the office Dana sighed and clasped her shaking hand into Walter's large strong one. "They wanted to know if either of us had manipulated the other." Dana murmured into the ear Walter had placed near her mouth. He tightened his grip reassuringly and whispered back, "Davis asked me that same thing. I told him that you seduced me." He deadpanned. "Ouch, stop that Scully, or at least postpone it until tonight." Walter's attempts at lightening the situation worked, at least momentarily as Dana smiled, "You want pain Assistant Director Skinner. I'm a doctor and can do you in ways you've never heard of." "I'll hold you to that." Walter's eyes were extremely bright and his smile held the promise of a night to remember, especially after a day to forget. Kimberly couldn't help but overhear in the small anteroom and turned her back so they wouldn't see her smiling. She thought they made a cute couple and had never seen two people more suited to each other. Meanwhile..."Let me rephrase that, Agent Mulder. When did you first become aware of a sexual relationship between Skinner and Scully?" "I don't have any proof that there is a 'sexual relationship' as you put it, Sir. They have never had sex in front of me, so I don't know." Mulder was just being Mulder and the room was beginning to sympathize with Walter Skinner's attempts to supervise him. The director was growing angrier and a vein in his neck was starting to bulge, "Agent Mulder, stop playing word games, you know what I'm asking......OK, have you ever seen AD Skinner kiss Agent Scully?" "Yes." "When was the first time?" "Three days ago." "And where did this kiss take place?" "At the D.C. Mall." "You're just overflowing with helpful information." Mulder smirked at the sarcasm. "Have you seen any interoffice liaisons between those two in the past three days, where they have shown an inordinate amount of affection towards one another, more than a superior and subordinate should in the workplace." "None that I can recall, Sir." The director sighed, and tried a different tact. "Agent Mulder, have you ever heard of any improprieties perpetrated against women by Assistant Director Skinner in all of the years you've been his acquaintance?" "No Sir, not even against men, Sir." It was good to see Davis flush in anger. Even Cancerman no longer had a smug expression on his face. "How do you feel about your partner becoming involved with your superior?" Davis bluntly asked. Mulder was expecting this question, but it still sent an unexplained pang through him at the thought of his 'soul mate' forever bonded to another man. "If Scully is happy, then I'm happy for her. She's my partner and best friend. I have a relationship with her that Walter Skinner can never have, and he has a relationship with her that I can never have. Scully has two men in her life to fulfill her needs. We each play a different, but vital role. She never married because the right man had never asked, but if Walter Skinner were to ask, I know her answer would be yes, and after seeing them together, it should be yes. As far as Scully being involved with a superior, it's too early to say if any problems will arise from that, but like most couples they will have to work through that particular issue, and hopefully in bed, where such issues should be solved." Mulder was hoping for a smile or two and was relieved to hear several chuckles around the table. "I have one final question for you Agent Mulder. If you were to find out from Agent Scully a government secret of which neither of you have clearance for, how would you handle such knowledge?" "Like I handle all the other top secret government tips exposed to me. I search for the truth, no matter who it exposes." The last was said directly to Cancerman, who calmly lit up another cigarette and blew smoke in Mulders direction. "Does anyone have any questions for Agent Mulder?" Director Davis was extremely glad his part of the investigation was over and thought about giving Walter Skinner a raise, just for putting up with the man. Nobody else wanted to match wits with Agent Mulder so Davis excused him and sent for Walter Skinner. Fox Mulder entered the outer office in time to catch a fleeting kiss between Skinner and Scully. "Don't you two have any self control," he whispered loudly as they pulled apart rapidly. "Your turn Boss." Mulder sat next to Scully and smirked broadly up at Skinner, "I'll just take up where you left off." "Hands off, Mulder." Skinner growled and made his way to his office. "I don't think they like me, Scully." "Please tell me you didn't say anything that Walter's going to have to explain in there." Scully sounded worried. "Only the part of my testimony where I expounded at great length on 'Walter's' technique for giving you a tonsillectomy." "Just great, I'm surrounded by comedians." With that Scully rose and started pacing. "Walter, I have just one, two part question for you." Walter didn't know if that was good or bad, as the director continued, "Tell us, in your own words, how you and Agent Scully ended up involved with each other, and why I should keep the x-files under your supervision." As the others looked on, Walter took several minutes to sift through memories and emotions to draw a conclusion as to why and how Dana became the center of his life and why he couldn't loose her now. Finally he started talking, softly at first and those around the table had to strain to catch his words, then with more confidence as he attempted to make the others see Dana Scully through his eyes. Not a word or movement from the others was issued as they sat spellbound, listening to the declaration of love, made by a man about the woman he loved. "I don't know the exact moment that I can say, 'yes, that's when I fell in love with Dana Scully.' Over the last four years she has ingrained herself into my life so completely that not to speak with her during the day, at least once, is unbearable. I even look forward to our arguments." Walter unconsciously pointed towards his office door, "Kimberly, my assistant, and who I might add is more cognitive of my needs than I am, made sure I spoke with Agent Scully on a daily bases while she was in the building. She also kept me apprised of Scully's and Mulder's cases while they were out of town. She told me this morning that I was easier to be around after I had, as she put it, 'a Scully fix.' Slowly without any conscious awareness Dana Scully became a part of me. The Director cut in, "And you were still married while your assistant was doing this to you?" "First of all, my assistant did nothing but feed my needs. And as for being married.........well I fooled myself by thinking I could fix something beyond repair. Don't get me wrong, I tried for a while, but we had become two different people over the years and I wasn't willing to change enough for her. I take full responsibility for my marriage failure and am grateful that Dana can see me as anything other than a failure in that area, and perhaps give me a reason to try again someday. Dana Scully was the person I needed to put my marriage behind me for good, without turning to the bottle again. When Sharon and I split up for good, she told me to search for someone right away and actually planted the seeds by suggesting I might find an agent at the bureau who could understand my needs better than she could." "Was your ex-wife aware of your feeling towards Agent Scully?" "No Sir, I kept that carefully hidden from everyone, even Agent Scully." "But your assistant knew." Walter smiled at that, "I consider her to be the best assistant in the bureau. And one of her qualities is her ability to read behind the words to the real problem at hand. I never once said anything to her, with her, I didn't have to." "Well, continue on Walter." Agent Scully told me in the outer office, that you questioned her attitude towards me last year during my troubles, both with the woman sent to hurt me and being shot. I asked my assistant, Kimberly to call Scully when I was shot, I didn't want my wife involved to protect her. But I knew I could trust Agent Scully to watch over me while I was unable to help myself. As far as the other situation, again absolute stupidity on my part. I knew better than to go to bed with a strange woman and paid the price for disregarding my basic instincts. A part of me wanted to be prosecuted for my stupidity, but Mulder helped set the record straight. I don't know what I would have done without him during that time." The director rolled his eyes at that. "That was when I first realized the extent of my feelings for Dana Scully. She hadn't believed I didn't kill the woman, and I can't describe the pain and anger I felt towards her. I hadn't wanted her involved, to protect her and myself from her involvement with the case. I worked exclusively with Agent Mulder and tried to keep her at a distance. In a way I felt that I had cheated on her also, not to mention my wife." "Why didn't you want her involved in the case and why did you feel that you had cheated on her?" The director was relentless and Walter wished they wouldn't make him relive it again. "Only two months before I had placed my life in her hands and when she would help again, I pushed her away. I was experiencing less than supervisory thoughts towards Agent Scully with my impending divorce and may have acted on those thoughts if I hadn't had to face her, after being in a prostitutes bed, with her knowing all of the details. I felt like I had blown any chance that I might have had with her and didn't wish to face her during that black time of my life. I might have gone on with my divorce if whoever targeted me would have left Sharon alone, but when they hurt her I couldn't just up and leave. I had to give our marriage another chance. I was really determined to get my act together and be a good husband this time around." The director looked down at his notes and interjected, "Did you act on those feelings of animosity in any way towards Agent Scully?" "Other than avoiding her for a while till I cooled down, no Sir, I never let my feelings influence how I governed Agent Scully. And in time I could see that her perception of the situation was correct for any agent to have, and went out of my way to make amends for my caustic behavior." Skinner looked over at Peter Morris and said to him, "Peter, a few months ago a rumor reached my ears concerning a possible romance between Agent Pendrell and Agent Scully." "I heard that one myself, Walt. That boy definitely has a bad case for her, but I've never actually seen any encouragement from her towards him, but she does go to him for all her criminal lab work, so I assume they have developed some sort of friendship." "If that boy were closer to my size and weight, I'd invite him to the gym for a little workout, but I can't justify beating the crap out of someone his size, except in my own mind that is" This drew a round of chuckles. "Let's not jump the track now, Walter please continue." Director Davis cut in. "I took to observing Pendrell and Scully together, which again was not the smartest move I'd ever made. It was obvious Pendrell was trying to get his courage up to ask Scully out, and here I was stuck in a dead end marriage. I couldn't say anything to either of them and because they didn't work as partners they were free to pursue each other if they so chose. I could only hope Scully would hold off long enough for me to untangle myself from my marriage. I started dropping hints to her that all was not right on the home front and used her for a sounding board, both in selecting another place to live, and even went so far as to have her pick me up a couple of shirts. I wanted her to see more than just her supervisor when she looked at me. She was distant at first, and I can't say as I blame her with the way I had treated her in the past." Again that smile, "She was very insistent about one tie she thought would look good on me and I decided to see how far she would go in backing up her claims. I told her I wouldn't spend good money on the tie, that I had enough of them. The next day, in came the tie through the inner office mail with a note from her, saying I had left my tie at the store. I took that to mean she cared more than she was letting on. I just had to find out how much. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I took to seeking situations that would throw us together, a good example was that trip to Chattanooga. I still couldn't bring myself to say anything to her, but I did let it slip, while in Tennessee that the divorce papers would be waiting for my signature upon my return to D.C.. I was trying to figure a diplomatic way of asking her out after I signed the papers when all hell broke loose with Mulder bringing Krycek in..." "Did you really handcuff him to your balcony, Walt?" AD White interjected, totally amused at the thought. "It was the least I could do, and I'll be damned before I'll do anything more for that son of a bitch." "You should have brought him straight in," the director responded. "If I had done that, Mulder might be dead now." Skinner shot a knowing look down the table at the cancerman. "This meeting has not been convened to discuss your handling of Alex Krycek. Please strike all comments regarding AD Skinner's handling of Krycek from the record." The director spoke to the quiet stenographer. "Continue." "Agent Scully and I started spending a lot of time together during the ensuing ten days. I went daily to visit her while they had her incarcerated and before that we went several places together conducting business for the bureau and started taking lunch with each other. I could sense her starting to respond to me, but everything was overshadowed by Mulder being gone, and she wouldn't tell even me where he was. This point of contention was something I had to come to terms with. I've had partners and I know the lengths they will go to protect each other, so her lack of communication with me was something I could accept and live with. I knew she would have a certain loyalty to her partner above any emotional attachment she might develop towards me." For this next part, Walter's expression took on a forbidding appearance as if the thoughts were too painful to contemplate. "What I didn't expect was to turn around in the senate chamber and see them in each others arms. I had only seen that once before when Mulder's mother had a stroke and chalked that up to emotional stress. This was love, the kind I couldn't compete with. Even I thought, for the first time, despite all of the rumors, that I was mistaken about their relationship being platonic. I remember Scully asking something of me, I gave an answer and left as quickly as possible, lest I deck Mulder." Walter paused for a moment, "at that moment I felt that I had lost any chance with Agent Scully and had resigned myself to being alone. Pendrell I could compete against, but not Mulder. I shut myself back into my shell and became an assistant director again." Walter stopped to gather his thoughts again before continuing. "Director Davis contacted me shortly after Mulder's 'Marvin the Martian' speech on the senate floor and asked me to investigate the allegation of sexual misconduct between Agents Mulder and Scully. I admit going into the investigation with pre-conceived notions about their guilt, and didn't want to hear anything about my eyes deceiving me and what I saw not being what it appeared." The director cut in, "Walter, Agent Mulder informed us that when he arrived at the meeting place you were in the process of screaming to Agent Scully, and everyone else in hearing range, an acquisition about her 'fucking someone.' Was that the exact word you used?" Skinner looked Director Davis in the eye and said, "Yes, Sir. As I recall my exact phrase was 'are you fucking him, Agent Scully.'" "You were referring to Agent Mulder, is that correct?" "Yes sir." "Well, that takes us up to another statement of Mulder's. He said the first time he saw you kissing Agent Scully it was at the mall where your meeting took place. Prey tell how you went from cursing at her to kissing her?" Walter grinned, "Scully got right back into my face and gave as good as she got, and I finally started to hear what she had been trying to tell me. After she set me straight about her and Mulder's commitment to each other as partners and friends, she proceeded to inform me that Mulder was not her type. She didn't elucidate on what was her type she stalked off in a huff. What she said impacted about the time Mulder finally joined me, having heard the last part of the conversation. He then told me how Scully kept bringing my name up so much the last twenty four hours that he accused us of having an affair while he was gone, and Scully's reply was that she couldn't get that lucky.....well I guess she did, or rather I did, and that pretty much is why I'm sitting here today." The director sighed, stood up and stretched wandering over to the window. From there he stated, "This isn't just going to go away is it, Walt?" "Fraid not Sir." "If anyone has any questions while I figure this out, ask them now?" Cancerman, who hadn't said a word all afternoon smiled, "It looks like you've lost your objectivity where the x-files are concerned. I think the x-files need to be removed from your division so you and Agent Scully can pursue a relationship without threat of partiality on your part." He acted like he had the trump card. "On contrary, they need me more than ever now, especially since it appears a shadow government official is gunning for them. I am willing to risk my life for their cause, and I don't think many other assistant directors are willing to take such risks." He looked around the table for emphasis and found no eyes willing to meet his. "Besides, once again Walter played poker with the black lung bastard, Alex Krycek likes to deal." He was satisfied by the cold look in Cancerman's face. Director Davis went to the door and called Agents Mulder and Scully back into the room. "I have come to a decision that will stand for now. Assistant Director Skinner, Agent Scully, against my better judgment, my office will condone your relationship and any direction it may take in the future, however, I strongly urge both of you to use extreme caution and discretion. If you step outside the boundaries, you're on your own. I don't want any reports getting back to me about you two acting like love struck teenagers or found in any compromising positions, or any shown favoritism because of your relationship. Have I made my position clear?" "Yes Sir." Walter spoke for both of them. The director looked around the table, "What you have heard today is confidential and not to be repeated, even to your spouses. Some of J. Edgar Hoover's policies concerning discretion at disclosing personal problems among his employees stood at keeping the FBI a respected organization. Lately the media has taken upon itself to expose us for our lack of humanity. Let's not give them any more ammunition. That's all I have. Thank you all for coming." With that the director stood, officially closing the meeting. Everyone stood, Cancerman making a hasty retreat. Walter wanted to pull Dana into his arms and keep her there, but restrained his impulses and motioned for Mulder to join him and whispered in his ear. Mulder nodded, gathered Scully and left their boss's office in a hurry. If the remaining A.D.'s were curious about the exchange, they decided not to press, instead taking that opportunity to personally congratulate Walter on his success at landing such a beautiful lady. With the pressure off, Walter smiled and joked with Peter Morris. "Darn, I was looking forward to getting Scully back, besides you're too old and ugly for her." Morris joked. "I may be all those things and more, but Scully likes me for my 'muscles'.....all of them." The last part of Walter's statement left no doubt as to which muscle he was referring to. Morris laughed as he left, "Take care of her, Walt. Just remember, she's too good for you." Not to be outdone, Henry White clapped Walter on the shoulder, "What am I going to tell poor Pendrell? The love of his life choosing muscles over brains." "Send the boy to me. I'll be glad to set him straight." Walter sneered and gave White an evil grin. "You stay away from him. He's a good boy. Don't say anything to him, Walt. Let him have his fantasies. Reality catches us up all too soon." Walt nodded at that. 5:30 PM Same Day Kings Arms Bar "Sorry I'm late." Walter slid into the booth next to Scully. He gave his order to the waitress, scotch with a beer chaser. He promptly pulled Scully into a tight embrace and proceeded to plunder her mouth while letting his right hand slip under her jacket and cup and squeeze her left breast, while trying to keep his actions covered with her jacket. "I don't think a young impressionable boy like me should be exposed to smut of this kind." Mulder did his best to sound like a young kid. "You're right Mulder.......leave." Walter broke the kiss long enough to speak and went back to more pleasurable activities. "Not without pictures first." Walter broke off kissing Dana, still holding her tightly and leaning his head on top of hers he met Mulder's gaze over her head. Silently these two men sized each other up. Finally Skinner spoke quietly, "I expect you to take good care of her on the road, Agent Mulder." "And I expect you to take good care of her at home, Sir." They raised their glasses and clinked them together in a toast. "To Dana" "To Scully" Dana smiled as she watched her two men. THE END